The granularity of doors in Wolfenstein 3D is one 'block'. A secret door will never occupy less than that. Secret doors always move two blocks backward (relative to the block's activated side) when activated. If, according to the map, it's impossible for the block to move two blocks backward, then there can be no secret door there. I take credit for all these maps. I do not want others to copy them and use them for themselves on their webpages, that would be unfair and you would be like a.
.:/Navigation.:/MainSite.:/Wolf3-D.:/Editing.:/Shared.:/Add-onsWolfenstein3D WalkthroughByTheMaster.Chapter3.0 LevelWalkthroughsOk, you've learned alot about how to playWolfenstein, what you'llencounter, the cheats(ugh.) and just abouteverything else. Now,you're ready to playthis bad-boy!Well, for starters,run Wolf. Select the NewGame option from themenu, (see section2.2.1) and select yourdesired episode (seesection Again,I recommend playingWolfenstein fromepisodes 1-6 in thatorder. They each gettougher and tougher!Once you've selectedyour episode, you'll betaken to the screenwhere you can selectyour difficulty (seesection All ofthese strategies will befrom the difficulty'Bring 'em On'.
The mapsalso show enemies forDeath Incarnate,though.Also remember, eachmap and strategy shows avery direct way to beateach level. You don'thave to go the way I sayat all. If you're low onhealth, ammo, just wantto wonder around or arecompeting for ratios andscore, (see section2.8.3) go ahead andexplore each level.There are also level'Hot Spots' throughoutthe walkthrough, thatshow a point ofinterest/action in thelevel. They are labeledon the maps as large H'swith a number next tothem. Use the number toidentify the hotspot.Also, here is alittle glossary of levelarchitecture terms I usein the walkthroughs, soyou don't getconfused:.

Room- Umm.a room. Corridor- A thin, smallhallway that isusually windy. Hallway- A room that is longand stretched, usedto connect two ormore rooms together;to act as aconnection.Finally, for a maplegend, head over to theappendix. If the mapsget confusing, don'tworry. Just try to readthem as best as you can.I can barley read them,either.AND! (Man, I have alot of stuff to talkabout here.) There aresome levels where thereis a question where thelevel designer's namehas a question mark byit. This is because I amnot totally 100% surewho made it.
If youknow, feel free to tellme.3.1Episode 1: Escape fromWolfensteinYou stand overthe guard's body,grabbing franticly forhis gun. You're not sureif the other guardsheard his muffledscream. Deep in thebelly of a Nazi dungeon,you've only a knife, agun, and your wits toaid your escape.Just a fewweeks ago, you were on areconnaissance missionof extreme importance.You were to infiltratethe Nazi fortress, andfind the plans forOperation Eisenfaust.Captured in yourattempt, you were takento their prison, andawaited your execution.Only you know where theplans are kept, and theAllies will face a greatdefeat if you don'tescape!
You must facethe horrors of theprison keep known asWolfenstein.So starts the firstof your adventures inthis great game, withEpisode 1: Escape fromWolfenstein. As thestory above says, you'retrapped inside thismammoth dungeon, and youhave to shoot your wayout. In this section,I'll tell you how tobeat every level theright way for Episode 1(Ep1 for short).Record time for thisepisode is 5:20, set byJohn Romero on the Bring'em On Difficulty.Note, no silver keyis required in Episode 1to beat any of thelevels!3.1.1Level 1DESIGNER:Tom Hall?Ok. Yourstarter level. Thebeginning.Notice the hot-spots.The red line is thedirection you should go.If this all looks alittle confusing, go tothe appendix for a maplegend.HOT-SPOTS. H1- Don't forget tokill the guard hereand grab the ammo.You'll need it, sinceyou've only got 8bullets to startwith.
Wolfenstein 3d Episode 2 Floor 7
H2- The secret roomhere is very helpful,with some ammo, firstaid kits, and theMachine Gun!. H3- You can also accessthe Episode's secretfloor from here (seesection 3.1.10). Justopen the secretrooms, andVoila!WALKTHROUGHOk, you start in acell with a dead guardlying there in front ofyou. First, walk forwardand open the door toleave you cell. There are a fewmore cells there in ahallway beside you, butturn right for now. Aguard will be standingthere, so kill him.Collect the ammo behindhim.
You'll need it,since you only have 8bullets. Also collecthis ammo. Grab thedinner if necessary, andgo back to the cellhallway, and through thedoor in front of you.There should be anotherhallway here, so go downit and open thedoor.Now you'll be in alarge room, with a guardor two waiting for youthere. Blow them awayand go into thewooden-walled area.Inside is anotherhallway with two smallone branching off fromit. Kill the guard, andturn down the leftmini-hallway. A guardshould be there, soshoot him. But, don'twalk away.
Walk up tothe Hitler portrait, andpush it. It should opena secret room, with avery helpful weapon, theMachine Gun. Now, exit thesecret room, and go backout of the room here theopposite way youcame.Here, you'll enteranother room, with someguards.
Kill them, andyou have an optionbetween the left orright doors. Head leftfor the rest of thelevel, head right forsome treasure andpoints.Heading left, youenter a small hallway.Continue down it,killing the guards andgoing through the door.In the next room you'llsee a couple of guards,and also some treasure.Pick it up for extrapoints, and head out.You'll see a smallhallway. Continuethrough that and you'llcome to a large, squareroom with two doors.Head straight and you'llgo to Quite a largehallway, that may have anumber of guards around.Kill the guards you see,but turn left at thehallway. Enter the door,and there's theexit!However, you can alsoaccess the secret level.When you first enter theroom, turn 90 degreesright, and press thewall right in front ofyou. When you just enterthe secret room, also dothe same.
You'll betaken to the room withthe secret elevator.Check the map for morehelp. All walls withwhite squares aroundthem are pushable.3.1.2Level 2DESIGNER:Tom Hall?This standard-affairslevel has nothingmajorly special. Justsome first-appearancesby keys and theChaingun!HOT-SPOTS.
H1- In this secret liesthe treasuredChaingun! A powerfulweapon indeed.
H2- This level requiresa key to exit, soremember to getit!WALKTHROUGHYou enter this levelin a small hallway witha door in front of you,and to your left. Skipthe left, and goforward. In the room, aguard should be therewaiting for you, so blowhim away. Turn a cornerand go through the door.You'll new enter a largehallway. Keep runningstraight to the door atthe end of the hallway,and enter.You'll be in anotherhallway, with someguards.
Turn left, andenter the door in theblue-brick section. Hereis a small hallway, withtwo others on the sides.Down the left one is aguard with some ammo.Collect it, but don'tleave yet. The secondbrick in that littlepassageway is a secret!Push it, and reveal theprized Chaingun! You'llgrin with delight!
Thisgun comes in very handylater.Exit the secret room,and leave the main room,opposite the way youcame. You'll be set in ahallway with twodirections to go, sohead left. You'll enteranother hallway.
Keepgoing forward, but onceyou open the door, don'tmove. This room is quitelarge, and has a lot ofenemies in it.
If youhaven't been wonderingthroughout the level,its also has the firstappearance of the SSenemy. Always stay awayfrom close-rage firewith these guys, they'llwipe you out easy.
Thisis where the Chainguncomes in handy. Mow downall the enemies you see.It shouldn't take toolong:-).Turn right, past thehallway to your left,and you should see adoor. Open it, andreveal an SS and Guardthat are both guardingthe Gold Key! Grab thekey, and head back out.Remember, guards maystill sneak up on you,so be prepared.
In thebig room, go forward,and turn the corner toyour left. Go down thehall. You'll see alittle room-extensionthere to your left, withguards there, so shootthem. Also, collect thetreasure.
Go back to themain hall, and enter thelocked door. Some guardswill be there, and thelevel exit.3.1.3Level 3DESIGNER:Tom Hall?Another standardlevel, with nothingmajor.HOT-SPOTS. H1- Remember to grabthe key here to exitthe level.WALKTHROUGHYou start in a roomthat has two smallhallway on the side.Turn the corner, andhead left, through thedoor. This time, headright, into the prisonarea of the level.You'll see a few guardsin the room, so killthem. Open the thirddoor on the left in theroom, and you'll findsome stuff to collect,including the Gold Key.Grab the key and leavethe prison area.Heading left down thehall, enter the firstdoor to you left. You'llbe in another largehallway.
Kill theguards, and go all theway down to the end ofit. Take the last dooron your left. Inside isa room with some guards,so kill them, and enterthe door to your left.You'll be in ANOTHERhallway. Take the doorin front of you to yourleft.
You'll see a guardand the locked door inthis room. Enter thelocked door, and take aright around the corner.There may be a fewguards in here, and somemay sneak up on you, sobe careful. You shouldbe able to find theelevator from here.3.1.4Level 4DESIGNER:Tom Hall?This has to be myfavorite level in Ep1,and I don't know why.There are a lot ofguards that can sneak upon you here, so becareful. The Chaingunmakes its firstappearance not in asecret here, so be sureand get it if you don'talready have it.HOT-SPOTS.
H1- The key lies here,in a nicely guardedroom. The SS in heremay come after you,so be careful. H2- The Chaingun makesits first non-secretappearance here, sobe sure to pick up.Its guarded by SSthough, so becareful.WALKTHROUGHAlright.
This levelis tough, and there areplenty of guards in yourway. So, watch your assand be alert. I'm gonnatake you through itstep-by-step, and you'llhave to find out wheremost of the guards areon your own.You'll start in asmall room. Exit theroom, and turn thecorner to the right.You'll see some guardsand another door. Gothrough the door andyou'll be in a large'intersection' room.Keep going straight andhead through the door.You'll be in anotherintersecting hallwayroom.
Turn left, andthrough the door downthe hall. Inside is aroom with a number ofguards, and the goldkey. Grab the key andleave the room.Head straight downthe hallway and into thedoor. Inside is a bigroom. Now's where theguards really start tocome, so be ready. Keepgoing straight and intothe first door on yourright (a blue-brickarea).
Some SS are inthis room, so be carefulHere's you'll find theChaingun! Remember tograb it, and head backout of the room.Inside the largeroom, head caddy-cornerto the right, to a graybrick area. See the mapfor more.
Inside shouldbe a strangely-shapedwood wall island (shapedlike a swastika from thetop). In this room, lookaround for another doorthat doesn't lead to thebig room.In here is a bighallway. Turn left, andgo through the door.Inside this room is abunch of treasure, andsome guards. Kill theguards and head into thenext door. You'll betaken to another largeroom. Go to the end ofit, and go through thedoor.
In here is yourlast room, but rundirectly straight,behind the island in theroom. Go around it, andyou should see theelevator.3.1.5Level 5DESIGNER:Tom Hall?Another standardlevel. Nothingspecial.HOT-SPOTS. H1- Don't forget topick up the keyhere.WALKTHROUGHYou'll start in asmall room. Go throughthe door ahead of you.Here will be a room witha large red-brick islandin the middle of it. Inhere are some guards, sobe careful. Head right,and into the wood-wallarea.

In this room, headright, through the door.You'll be in a smallroom. Head through thedoor you see, and intoanother small room. Headthrough that door, andinto another small room.Go down the hall, and tothe right, going forwardthrough the door on theright. Inside this roomis the key, and a fewguards.Once you grab thekey, head all the wayback to the blue-brickroom with the red-brickisland in the middle.
Inthis room, head aroundthe island, through dooropposite of the woodwall area. In here, headdown the hall, and turnleft. Head through thatdoor, and go around theoil berrels. Headthrough the door, andturn right, heading tothe door in front of youdown the hall.In this room, headthrough the door, andinto another room with anumber of guards and thelocked door.
Open thelocked door, and you'llbe in a room with a fewwood wall islands in themiddle of it, and theelevator. Be careful inthis room.
There are anumber of guards, andthey can hide wellbehind the islands. Besure to kill ALL ofthem, or you might bedead, fast. Finally,head to theelevator.3.1.6Level 6DESIGNER:Tom Hall?This level is ratherlong, so get ready.You'll mostly be inred-brick areas.HOT-SPOTS. H1- The key to exit thelevel lies here.WALKTHROUGHAlright. You'll startout in a room with awood-wall island in themiddle. There are a fewguards patrolling aroundit, so be sure to killthem.
Wolfenstein 3d Episode 2 Level 8 Map
When you gothrough the door, you'llbe in a very long room,that we'll dub the Iroom. Because, fromabove, it looks slightlylike the letter 'I'.Remember this room,because you'll need toget back here later. Ok,when you first enter theI room, turn right andhead down the hall andinto the door.Inside this dooryou'll see another hall.Turn right, and headdown it. Keep walkingdown this hall, and tothe second to last door.You should be in anothersmall room, with a doorat the end of it. Gothrough the door, toenter yet anotherhallway. Head straightdown it, and around thecorner to the left. Youshould see a door.
Enterthe door, and turn rightaround the corner. Headall the way down thishall, and into thewood-walled area.Inside thewood-walled area are anumber of dogs, and atthe end of the room isthe Gold Key. Now, remember the Iroom? Head all the wayback to it now.Ok, once you get tothe I room, headdirectly forward to theother side of the room,and into the door that'soffset in a smallcorridor. In this room,head all the way aroundto the right, and enterthe door. There is theelevator.3.1.7Level 7DESIGNER:Tom HallThis level is one Ialways thought wouldmake a good deathmatchlevel if a multiplayerWolfenstein everexisted. Whoknows.HOT-SPOTS.
H1- Remember to pick upthe Gold Keyhere.WALKTHROUGHOk, from yourstarting position, turndirectly 90 degreesleft, and around theisland you are rightnext to. You should seea opening to a hallwayhere. Go in it, andyou'll see a locked andunlocked door atopposite ends of thehall. Head down thelocked door, and throughthis hallway. Insidethat door, you'll seeanother hallway jettingout right. Head down it,and through thedoor.Inside this room,head right, and aroundthe corner.
Head intothe gray-brick room, andinside collect the key.Now, from here, head allthe way back to the hallin your starting roomthat had a door on bothends of it. Enter thelocked door here, andturn the corner in thishallway. Head down thehall, and into thegray-brick area. Thereyou'll see theelevator.3.1.8Level 8DESIGNER:Tom Hall?The last level beforeyou try and escapeCastle Wolfenstein.HOT-SPOTS. H1- Don't forget topick up the Gold Keyhere.WALKTHROUGHIn your startingroom, head directlyforward through thedoor. Inside here, don'tmove at all.
Fire yourweapon. You should see aguard alert in theisland behind you. Killit, and turn the cornerto the right. You shouldsee a guard in front ofyou. Kill it, and turnaround and kill theguard behind you.Ok, head out the dooron the right side. Inthis room, head down thehall and around to thedoor at the end of thehall.
Go in this door,and inside you shouldsee a wood wall area.Head into the first woodwall area door you see.Inside this room youshould see the key,along with an SS or two.Grab the key, and headback out of the room.turn right, and throughthe door on the wallnext to where you camein.Head through thissmall door, into thenext room, through thatdoor, into the nextroom, and through thatdoor. Inside is ahallway.
Head throughthe door with the twogold swastika on it.Head through the door inthat room, and throughthe door in the nextroom. Here, head intothe door on the right.Head to the end of thishall, through the lockeddoor, and into theelevator.3.1.9Hans GrosseDESIGNER:Tom Hall?Here it is. The levelwith your big showdownwith Hans Grosse, thehead of CastleWolfenstein. Use all thestops you can onhim.HOT-SPOTS.
H1- Hans Grosse. Thebig man himself. Theblue-armored S.O.B.behind CastleWolfenstein. Wipe himout, just like youdid her sister,Gretel. H2- The Secret. Allboss levels have atleast one of them.Your lifeline. Thething you can go backto to get health andammo.
H3- FREEDOM! You'reoutta the hell ofCastle Wolfenstein,and back into theAlliedUnderground!WALKTHROUGHOk, this level isshort and sweet, butstill tough. You startout in a small room. Gothrough the door aheadof you, and into thelarge hall. This iswhere you'll be fightingHans. Run pasteverything to the end ofthe room, and open thedoor. There he is, HansGrosse!Once you alert him,run back into the bighall.
On one of thewalls, there is asash/banner spacedsparingly. On the middlegolden banner on one ofthe walls is a secret.Push it in, and you'llenter a large secretroom. This room is VERYimportant. It containslarge amounts of health,ammo, and a Chaingun. Ifyou die, be sure to comeback here to replenishon ammo and the Chaingunbefore attacking Grosse.If you're all juiced up,get ready to fight!HANSGROSSEOk, you're ready totake on Hans.
Notice thelarge hall that is yourbattlefield. There arequite a few islands inthe room, that can beused for your advantage.Hide behind them toprotect yourself fromfire. One strategy is tohide, shoot, then hideagain.
Repeat asnecessary. Eventually,this works. Another onethat has said to workwas to run right up nextto Grosse, and thenslowly back directlyaway, keeping your aimon Grosse, and firingthe entire time.Remember your strafingtechnique can also beuseful. Always move, allthe time.

It makes anyboss/enemy harder to hityou.Once Hans is dead,grab the Gold Key hedrops, and head back tothe room he came from.You'll notice a lockeddoor there. Open it, andrun to freedom!YEAH!3.1.10Secret LevelDESIGNER:Tom Hall?This level is kindalong, so be ready.You're mainly going tobe fighting in the grosspurple slime areas.Remember this is asecret level, so youdon't have to get out ina hurry. Explore aroundand find secrets, theygive for morepoints.HOT-SPOTS. H1- Grab the Gold KeyhereWALKTHROUGHFrom you startingroom, head down thehall, and to the left.Head around the cornerto the left, down thehall, turning right, andthrough the door. NOTETHIS ROOM. From here,turn left around thecorner, and into thedoor on that wall.
Inhere, head down thehall, around the cornerto the right, and enterthe first door you see.In here, head forwardand turn the cornerleft. Enter theblue-brick area.Head to the end ofthe blue-brick area, andthrough the door at theend of the hall.
Turnright around the cornerin this room, and leftaround that corner. Headdown the hall throughthe door.
Turn rightaround the corner, andyou should see the GoldKey at the end of thehall. Now,remember the room I toldyou to note?
Head allthe back to it.Now, when you enterthe room, head straightforward, and turn rightthrough the door. Inhere, head right aroundthe corner. Head downthe hall, and to thesplit in the path. Don'thead to the path thathas the wood walled areadown it. Head the otherway, to the left. Gothrough the door athere, and head all theway down this hall tothe gray-brick area.Head to the end ofthe gray-brick area, andinto another hallway.Head down it, and turnright around the corner,and into the red-brickarea.
In here, head intothe locked doors. Thisroom will have twoelevator doors. When youfirst enter the room, goto the door on the left.The door on the right isfull of SS.3.2 Episode 2:Operation:EisenfaustYou run out ofthe castle and hook upwith the Underground.They inform you that therumors were true: somehideous humanexperiments were seenaround CastleHollehammer. SoOperation Eisenfaust isreal!You mustjourney there andterminate the maniacalDr. Schabbs before hisarmy marches againsthumanity!That would be thebasic intro to Episode2: Operation:Eisenfaust.
A littlemore in-depth, Dr.Schabbs created a mutantarmy made out of undeadsoldiers. He took thedead soldiers, andresurrected them intonew, brainless zombies.These new mutants areultra strong, and arevirtually limitless tocreate. If thisoperation goes through,the world could be indanger. Kill Schabbs andthe mutants, or bekilled.In this episode, you,of course, face themutants in battle. Thisis also the only episodewhere they appear.3.2.1Level 1DESIGNER:Tom HallThis is the firstlevel where you have toface the deadly mutants.From here on out, BE ONGUARD ALL THE TIME.Those things are DEADLY.I'm talking LETHALDEADLY. I mean KILL YOUFASTER THEN YOU CAN SAY'What was that?'
DEADLY.HOT-SPOTS. H1- This room is vitalto your winning. Itsgot some supplies,and a MachineGun. H2- You can find thesecret exithere.WALKTHROUGHAlright, if I haven'ttold you already,mutants infest thislevel, so be VERY alert.Mutants can kill quick.Ok, from your startingroom, head directlyforward through thedoor.
In this room, headaround the red-brickisland and through thedoor in front of you.This room contains someVERY lifesavingsupplies. Grab theMachine Gun and allammo. Head out of theroom.Back in the big room,head right from thesupply room. The roomsplits up into threeother ways now. Fromhere, you can head leftand go to the secretlevel, or head right andbeat this level.
Headingright, go around thesmall island, turn rightand then forward at thecrossing, around theisland, down the twistyhall, around the corner,and into the room.Beware of the mutantshere. If you've got thepistol, run. If you'vegot the Machine Gun,you're okay. Then, headinto the elevator.If you headed left atthe split, you'd go intoa room with two doors.Beware the mutants.fromhere, go to the back ofthe room, on the rightwall. Push the wall upand down until you finda secret.
There, you'llbe in a room with somefirst aid and ammo. Thesecret here is kindshard to explain, so keeppushing all the walls orlook at the map untilyou've found it. Fromthere, just enter theelevator.3.2.2Level 2DESIGNER:Tom Hall?This level goes backto reality, and awayfrom the mutants more.Nothing special.HOT-SPOTS. H1- The Gold Key lieshere.WALKTHROUGHFrom your startingroom, head forward.